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ASARC Approved Figures, Elements & Restrictions

Dance Styles



  • Single Dance Heats

    • Pro/Non/Am Breakdown​

  • Triple Dance Heats

  • Smooth & Rhythm Championships

  • 9 Dance Championship


Dress Code


• Traditional  

• Alternative/Traditional (Bronze)

• Frame Holds

• Double Hand Hold

• Single Hand Hold

• Combinations of Frame Hold and Hand Holds are allowed  


Exception:  Handshake Hold allowed in Waltz Progressive Change Steps, Progressive Twinkles, Waterfall 


• Bronze Holds
• Alternative Traditional Hold

• Crossed Hand Hold (sustained)
• Handshake Hold
• Shadow Holds
• No Hold Limit 1 bar


• All Bronze & Silver Holds
• Hammerlock
• Hand
(s) to body
• No Hold
Limit 4 bars W/T/F
• No Hold Limit 8 bars VW


Relationship between the partners bodies


• Closed Position
• Outside Partner Right & Left
• Open Facing Position
• Promenade Positions
• Counter Promenade Positions
• Back to Back/V Shape
• Right & Left Side Position
• 90-degree/Right Angle Po

Exceptions: Right Shadow Position Shadow Tango Rocks Only, Transition through Left Shadow Waltz Waterfall


• Bronze Positions.
• Fallaway and Counter Fallaway Movements
• 90-degree/Right Angle Position
• Right Shadow Position (Lady in Front)
• Right and Left Contra Positions (Opposite feet only)


Waltz: Same foot ‘Shadow Switches’ Limit 1 bar in Left
Fox Trot: Left Side Position Same Foot Grapevine Limit


• Bronze & Silver Positions.
• Right Shadow Position, Lady in Front or Behind
• Left Shadow Position, Lady in Front or Behind
• Right and Left Side Position Opposite or Same Foot
• Tandem Positions Opposite or Same Foot
• Right and Left Contra Positions Opposite or Same Foot




120 | 30


124 | 31


140 | 35


92 | 23


188 | 47




120 | 30


120 | 30


180 - 200


64 | 32


200 | 50


100 | 50


112 | 28


ASARC is proud to provide 6 competition event categories for each competitor to enter. Each category will have unique ornate prizes given to 1st, 2nd & 3rd place. These categories are:

Single Dance Heats

Triple Dance Heats

Triple Dance Medley Heats

Smooth/Rhythm Championship 

9 Dance Championship

Jack 'n' Jill Heats

Single Dance Heats

A single dance entry refers to a performance in which a competitor competes in a specific dance style. Each dance style has its own unique characteristics, music tempo, and choreography. In a single dance entry, the competitor performs only one dance style and is evaluated solely on their execution of that particular style.

Dance Styles

Smooth: Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Viennese Waltz, Quickstep

Rhythm: Cha Cha, Rumba, East Coast, Bolero, Mambo

Club: Salsa, Bachata, West Coast, Hustle, Samba


Newcomer, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Open


Smooth/Rhythm: Saturday August 19th 

Club: Sunday August 20th


Triple Dance Heats

Competitive event that sees dancers perform all three core dances in a single round, with the best aggregate score winning. Winners will take home a delightful trophy in this event. This event is also sub-categorised by dance acumen and skill level.

Dance Styles

Smooth: Waltz + Tango + Foxtrot

Rhythm: Cha Cha + Rumba + East Coast


Newcomer, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Open


Smooth/Rhythm: Sunday August 20th 

Triple Dance Medley

Competitive event that sees a team of dancers perform all three core dances in a single round. The team with the highest aggregate score wins. For more rules please refer to ASARC Rules.

Dance Styles

Smooth: Waltz + Tango + Foxtrot

Rhythm: Cha Cha + Rumba + East Coast


Bronze, Silver


Smooth/Rhythm: Sunday August 20th 


Smooth & Rhythm Championships

Competitive event that sees dancers perform all core dances in either Smooth or Rhythm, with the best aggregate score winning. Winners will take home a delightful trophy in this event. This event is also sub-categorised by dance acumen and skill level.

Dance Styles

Smooth: Waltz + Tango + Foxtrot + Viennese Waltz

Rhythm: Cha Cha + Rumba + East Coast + Bolero + Mambo


Silver, Gold, Open


Smooth: Saturday August 19th
Rhythm: Sunday August 20th

9 Dance Championships

The penultimate competitive heats, they feature the premiere dancers in Australia. Held during the Saturday night Ball, dancers will battle it out in all Smooth & Rhythm Categories. The winner of this category will receive an ornate crystal trophy.

Dance Styles

Smooth: Waltz + Tango + Foxtrot + Viennese Waltz

Rhythm: Cha Cha + Rumba + East Coast + Bolero + Mambo


Gold, Open


Saturday Night Gala Ball 19th August


Each competition category will be contested in a PRO/AM category or an AM/AM category. In an attempt to provide more opprotunities to non-competitive dancers, ASARC has broadened the definition of the PRO/AM cateogry to include non-competitive dancers (NON). NON dancers will partner their respective AM competitor. A NON dancer is not part of the ajudication process and therefore do not need to make any payments to be a part of the event. For example:

Amateur dancer Mitchell would like to compete in ASARC, but his amateur dancer partner Rebecca has no desire to compete. Mitchell could enter the PRO/AM category with Rebecca. Mitchell would be considered the AM competitor and will be ajudicated appropriately. He would also pay his entry fee and heat fee/s. Rebecca would be the PRO or NON and therefore she would not be ajudicated. She would not need to pay an entry fee.

The potential benefits for entering as a NON dancer are:

  • You are part of an existing AM/AM partnership and are familiar with your partners dance style

  • You would like to maximise your dance options at ASARC with multiple heats amongst PRO/AM & AM/AM

  • An dance instructor may already be commited to the same heat you would like to enter

  • You would like to be part of the competition but do not wish to be ajudicated

  • A dance studio member needs a partner to compete and you would love the opportunity to help

Competition Events


In the interest of fairness and respect, age categories have been replaced with 'Divisions'. Each Dance Level (Newcomer, Bronze, Silver, Gold) will have between 1 - 4 Division categories that competitors can enter based on their Instructors advice. This should provide a closer match of competitive acumen for participants and provide Professionals with versatility when entering multiple students. 

Division Explanation:

Division I​: top level student who has achieved an incredible acumen in their dance level. Has strong knowledge of all areas of marking criteria. Exudes confidence in their chosen dances. Has probably competed or performed for others before. Often a Professionals best competitor in a given dance level.

Division II: great dancer who adheres to technical and theatrical elements of dance. Consistent adherence to marking criteria with occasional minor inaccuracies. May have never competed but is confident on the dance floor.

Division III: a competent dancer with sound knowledge of technical acumen required for their dance level. Adheres to fundamental elements of dance (ie: Timing) but may have underdeveloped knowledge of technical elements (ie: swing/sway). Often considered the entry level division for a new dancer.

Division IV: a competent dancer with sound knowledge of technical acumen required for their dance level. Adheres to fundamental elements of dance (ie: Timing) but may have underdeveloped knowledge of technical elements (ie: swing/sway). Often considered the entry level division for a new dancer. The only discernible different between division 3 & 4 should be the individual acumen of the competitors.

Victory in one division means that the competitors must advance 1 division higher for the next ASARC event. NOTE: a competitors base level will be the marker for progression. i.e. Suzie won Silver D2 & D1 in 2022, therefore she is not able to dance Silver D2 the following year, though she still may enter Silver D1.

ASARC reserves the right to combine/cancel divisions under the following conditions:

  • There are not enough competitors to constitute running the heat (2 or more). Minimum requirement for a division to be run is 2.

  • Competitors have not paid for the event by the day of competition or have ‘no shown’ the heat

Note: In the event that Lead & Follow divisions have only one competitor, these divisions will be combined to create a viable competitive heat.

Division delegation is to be made by the professional entering the amateur or the couple. Please be realistic about your students capabilities and help them achieve their dance goals. Please be respectful to the sportsmanship portrayed at ASARC. Professionals caught entering students into categories will below their true acumen will forfeit their students place in the competition.


Progression & Previous Wins

Anchor Rule:

Ratchet Rule: competitors who have achieved victory in an event must move to the next skill level above their base level.

What is a base level: 


ASARC urges all attendees to dress formally to enhance the event's prestige. While costumes don't solely determine a dancer's success, they do influence judges. Competitors should use this opportunity to demonstrate their dedication to dance.

  • Competitors must be neatly groomed

  • Long hair should be tied back and secured

  • Hats must not be worn

  • All competitors & non-competitors must wear dance shoes designed for Ballroom dance

  • Costumes and adornments must be securely fastened

  • Strapless garments must not be worn

  • Costumes must conceal underwear at all times

  • Front necklines of shirts, tops and bodices must have appropriate coverage

  • Trousers must be full length

  • Socks must match trouser and/or shoe colour

Smooth Gowns

  • Hemline below knees at all points

  • Must cover legs at least to knee when not in motion

  • May not split higher than groin

Smooth Suits

  • Full length dark trousers

  • Jacket or waistcoat, same colour as trousers

  • Long sleeve shirt in single-coloured fabric

  • Tie or similar neckwear

Rhythm Dresses

  • Hemline must reach below mid thigh at lowest point

  • Must fully cover briefs when not in motion

  • May not be split high than hip bone

Rhythm Trousers & Tops

  • Full length trousers

  • Short or long sleeved top/shirt

  • Jacket or waistcoat optional

  • Tie or siilar neckwear optional

NOTE: These guidelines have outlined generalised costuming for comeptitive Smooth & Rhythm dancing. If you are concerned about specific attire, please contact us direct with your inquiry. Big thanks to QUASRFEST for helping with these guidelines. 

Dress Code

Contact Us

(02) 8872 1223

15/9 Salisbury Road 


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